Charleen Osborne

Author's posts

3/22/14- Cub Klondike

-hosted by our troop for local cub scouts
-It is a sort of mini Klondike based on cub scouts skills
-All scouts are welcome to come
-invite cub scouts you know

Meetings Time Change

Please remember! Starting January 9th, 2012, Troop 71 will meet on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm in the basement of the First Baptist Church in New London. We hope that the new time will have fewer scheduling conflicts with school activities.

2011 Scouting for Food!

New London Scouts did a terrific job this year!  2,074 items were collected, 54+ cubs, boys, parents, and leaders participated.  What a fantastic job!

[Show as slideshow]


Annual Dues Due!

It’s that time of year again. The troop is collecting annual dues. Please see the attached letter.

2011 Spaghetti Dinner

The 2011 Spaghetti Dinner was a great success!  Always a key fundraiser for our troop, families, scouts, and supporters come for some great home cooking by parents and friends.  There’s never a shortage of desserts and no one leaves hungry!  Stay tuned for our 2012 event.  🙂


Regular Meeting

Regular meeting at the First Baptist Church in New London.

Camping Trip

Camping Trip to Unity or Windy Top. Details coming!

Regular Meeting – Prep for Camping Trip

Regular meeting. Preparations for the coming weekend camping trip.

Spaghetti Dinner

Come one come all to the Troop 71 spaghetti dinner. Talented parents and volunteers cook up pasta, sauce, meatballs, and trimmings. The desserts are renowned. Come check it out!
Scouts/Servers show up at 6pm for prep.
Customers arrive and are served 7p-9pm.

Regular Meeting

Regular meeting at the New London First Baptist Church.